In October 2018, ZiuZ initiated Project POLAR, in cooperation with the Amsterdam University Medical Center (Amsterdam AMC) and Medical Center Leeuwarden (MCL). The objective of the cooperation is to develop a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) tool, which will be able to classify small bowel polyps (1-5 mm). As polyps could therefore be evaluated during the colonoscopy, the doctor would be able to make an earlier decision, during the procedure, on whether to remove malignant polyps and leave benign polyps.
Ten hospitals have now registered to collaborate in this innovative project. These hospitals will help collect photographs of colon polyps with the help of the POLAR box. This box has been specially developed to collect and store what is known as prospective data. In May 2019, the Technical Department gave permission for the POLAR box to be implemented. The first POLAR box will therefore be delivered this month and implemented at Bergman Clinics in Amsterdam. After the initial tests, POLAR boxes will also be produced for the other registered hospitals and implemented in order to collect data.
ZiuZ Medical also received a set of retrospective data in May. This data will be used to develop the first version of the algorithm. It will also be used to start development of the prototype for the CAD tool.
POLAR stands for POLyp Artificial Recognition
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