We will release VizX2 version 2.8.0 in early 2021. New functionalities and features are integrated into the software to enhance cooperation among Teamwork users. This article will shed light on some of the new functionalities, such as the extension of the user management module, the upgrade of the Project VIC Reports, the library, video stability and the NCMEC reporting features. In this latest version, we paid close attention to improving the team-working experience; below, you’ll find out how.
The most relevant change in the new version has to do with the extension of the user management module. This module, which is part of the Teamwork version and enables investigators to create users, groups and permissions, can now be connected to an Active Directory. While making use of the User Management Module used to imply working with two separate systems, now this is no longer an issue. In the new version, all users and groups can be managed from an Active Directory and VizX2 will retrieve the access information from this Active Directory.
The new version also gives the opportunity to investigators to add Project VIC Reports as evidence to a case. To make this possible, we have added a new button in the Add Evidence screen of VizX. This feature speeds up the analysis, as it is now possible to simply upload the export directly into VizX, without having to generate a separate type of export from a forensic tool. Consequently, investigators will no longer miss out on relevant information (i.e. if the file was cut) or images and videos which would have been lost without this functionality.
Furthermore, other major changes concern the library and the video processing feature. The team managed to upgrade the library as well as improve the video processing stability. At the same time, for the clients that use VizX to analyse NCMEC reports, it will be possible to add thumbnails of images and snapshots of videos to the final PDF classification report.
To sum up, VizX2 2.8.0 tackles the issues presented in the previous version by enabling users to connect the management module to the active directory. Besides, it upgrades the library, it improves the video processing stability, and it enables Project VIC Reports to be added as evidence to a case. Overall: a relevant contribution for Teamwork users to further cooperate and operate efficiently. Together.