Law Enforcement | 30.06.21 | minute(s) reading time
The AviaTor Forum

Elena Colotti

Marketing Specialist

On the 26th of May 2020, the Aviator Forum took place. 154 law enforcement agencies, hotlines, and government representatives from all over the world took part in the event. The main topic? The future of AviaTor.


We have already talked in the previous newsletters about the AviaTor project, a system that has been created to facilitate LEAs in dealing with excessive numbers of NCMEC reports. During the Forum, the main AviaTor partners introduced the audience to the goals, challenges, achievements, and the future of AviaTor.


Among the partners that presented the AviaTor project during the forum, Jos Flury, ZiuZ Forensic VP, and Nicky Haneveer, ZiuZ Forensic Supply Chain Manager spoke on behalf of ZiuZ. Since the beginning of the project – January 2018 – ZiuZ has been on the front line to make the development of the AviaTor project a reality.


During the conference, both Jos and Nicky put the emphasis on the collaboration among the parties involved in the project. The collaboration with INHOPE, Web-IQ, DFKI and the Dutch and Belgian Police was, in fact, described as a very strong and long-lasting cooperation.


The consortium formulated the goal for the project – which was “quite straightforward” as Jos Flury indicated – as “Developing automation tools to reduce the required amount of manual labour for the police in assessing reports. So that they can spend their effort on the actual investigation of reports and building cases.” Once the purpose was defined by the consortium, the involved parties established the destination of the journey. The outcome had three components: a reduction in the number of reports to process, improving the intelligence position of the investigator, and creating a solution to prioritize reports.


The mission of the project has been stated and repeated several times: to create an AviaTor ecosystem that enables law enforcement to prioritize and process all incoming industry reports.


About the future of AviaTor?


Further developments and new AI functionalities for text and video analysis will be implemented to reach the goal of having at least 25 national law enforcement agencies working with AviaTor by 2024. To make this possible, the project partners will work hard to acquire the necessary funding for the AviaTor project, making sure that LEA can keep benefiting from AviaTor at no cost.


Stay tuned!

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