ZiuZ systems provide great possibilities to improve system performance. The Reference Manager helps to bring False Alarms* down and reports can be created to get insight into your production metrics. Both helpful and important from a patient safety point of view for you as a pharmacist as well as for operations managers looking to optimize the packaging process from a cost perspective.
In talking with key users, we noticed that further improvements could be made by better analysing existing data. At some pharmacies, completely new roles have been introduced, like Data Analysts, and Business Intelligence Managers. Six Sigma and continuous improvement programs are no exception anymore. All of this calls for more detailed data and possibilities for drill-downs.
This made us think about how ZiuZ’s solutions could even better help pharmacies. Not just for the organizations that can afford to hire specialists for Business Intelligence but to make this functionality accessible for any pharmacy.
(*) new terminology will slowly but gradually be introduced: False Alarm = False Negative and True Alarm = True Negative
What if every ZiuZ inspection device user always gets the most out of their product? And what if every user has access to the most up-to-date data analytics and insights to increase patient safety, optimize performance and reduce cost?
Patient safety is improved by lowering False Alarm and True Alarm rates. After all, fewer pouches to be viewed and corrected results in fewer mistakes – and lower risk for your patients.
Pharmacies save operational costs and can free up pharmacist’s time via data-driven decisions. A full set of dashboards, drill-down tools, and active alerts help to drive businesses in the most optimized way possible. Benchmarks help set realistic goals. KPIs are monetized so cost-saving objectives and results are visible – and tangible. This will reduce the cost of ‘waste’ while balancing cost per pouch, cost per error, etc.
Pharmacies have access to resources like ‘best practices’ and ‘whitepapers’ that have been built on years of experience working with industry thought leaders.
Of course, we need to stay humble. However, most of the dream described above now has come true with the launch of ZiuZ Analytics. This online dashboarding tool provides many options to gain in-depth insights into how to drive improvement programs, while it also alerts on ‘must take action now’ process deviations.
At launch, ZiuZ Analytics will have a set of three dashboards and will continue to grow in value since more new options are already in the development pipeline.
More detailed information about what ZiuZ Analytics is can be found here.