| 14.06.22 | minute(s) reading time
ZiuZ receives ISO 9001 certification and is reaccredited with ISO 27001

Bo Kimkes

Marketing Specialist

Last September, BSI Group validated and certified the Quality Management System (QMS) of ZiuZ Holding B.V. and its legal entities (ZiuZ Research B.V., ZiuZ Medical B.V., ZiuZ Forensics B.V., ZiuZ NEMO B.V., ZiuZ Polar B.V. and ZiuZ Assembly B.V.) as compliant with the ISO 9001:2015 standard. BSI Group also reaccredited the ZiuZ Information Security Management System (ISMS) in conformance with the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standard.



ZiuZ’s Quality Assurance Manager and Information Security Officer, Marco van den Berg, played an instrumental role during the reaccreditation for ISO 27001 and obtaining the ISO 9001 certificate. “In the markets where ZiuZ operates, we have deliberately chosen to compete with others on product quality and accompanying services. ZiuZ wants to be the best and most innovative supplier from a quality perspective, presenting new features, functionalities, and value-added innovations to our customers. The BSI auditor was pleasantly surprised by the professional way that ZiuZ has implemented quality and information security procedures as part of the business culture,” says Marco van den Berg.


The ZiuZ Management team wants ZiuZ to be a reliable and quality-focused partner for suppliers, customers, and business partners. ISO 9001 is the world’s most recognized quality management standard. ZiuZ believes that this will help the organization meet the needs and expectations of its customers and stakeholders more effectively. Striving for the highest possible quality is one of ZiuZ’s cultural values. The BSI now confirms the high-quality standards ZiuZ has already achieved, reassuring customers as to their supplier assessment requirements.


ISO/IEC 27001 is the most widely recognized international standard for information security. ZiuZ believes it is necessary to communicate that privacy-sensitive and confidential information is kept strictly secure. The ISO certification gives assurance that ZiuZ has established methodologies and a suitable framework for businesses and IT processes that will help to identify, manage, and reduce risks. A standardized approach also safeguards our method of establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, and improving our information security goals and objectives.


Click here to view the ISO 9001:2015 certificate.

Click here to view the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certificate.


Feel free to contact Marco van den Berg if you want to receive ZiuZ’s Statement of Applicability or wish to learn more about the ZiuZ QMS or ISMS.


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